

TISIS Tab: COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR MACHINETISIS Tab allows you to monitor in detail the machine park from a tablet or Android smartphone. The monitoring includes not only the status of machines workshop but also the current view of production, the parts counter and the remaining production time and a part library of information including images or PDF documents.The application « TISIS Tab » is exclusively reserved for Tornos machines equipped with the required hardware options. The application TISIS Tab need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network. The informations update for the TISIS monitoring outside this context will not be successful.Tornos SA provides no warranty of good working when used outside of the characteristics listed above.Contact your local Tornos representative for more informations or details TORNOS SARue Industrielle 111CH-2740 MOUTIER SuisseTel. +41 (0)32 494 44 44Fax +41 (0)32 494 49 03 Email : [email protected] or [email protected]